Monday, March 29, 2010

Tiberius Gracchus

Tiberius Gracchus was a good leader in my opinion. I chose to defend his actions. I believe that he had the most effective plan. His plan was to take the land that was stolen from the people taken by the rich and powerful during wars. The rich had set up Latifundia with the land taken from the poor; which is a rich person estate. The farmers lost their land and moved to the city of Rome. The city became over populated really quickly. The rich were tired of walking by the poor people. The patricians were the rich and the plebeians were the poor. The lowest class of the society was the women and slaves. They were not allowed to vote nor have any rights. The patricians had all the power and lived better in the society of Rome. Rome ways was the republic. The republic government was where the people of the city would elect or chose their leaders. They also had the right to impeach the leader if they thought that had too much power. Tiberius was told by a friend of the senators, to run for Tribune. The Tribune was ten elected leaders that defended the people of Rome. The people that were defended were mostly the people who had their land taken away from them. He was selected to be one of the Tribunes. If I was Tiberius, I would have gotten good with both sides. Gotten good with both sides meaning that asked we both sides wanted and came up with an agreement. Instead, he chose to defend the people rights and got their votes. By doing that he had made enemies in the senators. Tiberius made his law clear during the meeting with the other Tribunes. Every Tribune agreed to the law besides Octavos. Octavos did not want to give up his land that he took. So he vetoed it. Tiberius anger at the matter vetoed every other law that came to mind with the other vetoes or the other laws that Octavos wanted passed. With this act Tiberius enemies grow angrier. His enemies went out telling lies about Tiberius. They lies was that he was getting a lot of power and using the plebeians to try and make him king of Rome. Everybody started to believe that lies that Octavos and his friends spread around. All the plebeians and the patricians that were on his back quickly turned their back. Even his bodyguards turned their backs on Tiberius too.These are the reasons why I would defend Tiberius actions and decisions that he had made during his time.

1 comment:

  1. I like this - you respect Tiberius and his positions, but you just wish he had learned the art of compromise. Good concept. We could use some of that today!

