Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Crucible of Civilization

Athens rocked by an event.The people took their destiny into there own hands, rose up in evolution. Acropolis the high point of the city. Morning of the third day he was forced to surrender. First time in history the people has took over there leaders, 508. B.C. Athens people now turned to one man, Cleisthenes. He was a leader that got ran out of town when Sparta took over. When the people rose over there leaders, they called him back to start a new government. White pebble for yes and a black people for no, for voting. They would gather every nine days. Nobody has every had the people vote on the rules of their city. Democracy started here in Athens. It would not be Cleisthenes job to lead them into battle. They would have to defend there state from invaders trying to take over. 490 B.C. 18 years after the Democracy had been born. Phiedippidds had ran a marathon for his people survival . Persia empire is attempting to go to battle. Persia was the greatest power. Athens were gaining power which was a threat to there empire. Daries the leader of the Persians. News of the invasion spread throughout Athens. The Men of the city would have to battle since they didn't have a set army. Athens were out numbered by Persia from 2:1. Phiedipidd  job was to run for help to Sparta. He ran 140 miles in just 2days. But he quest was denied. Help was refused by Sparta. Athens killed 6000 Persian in one day. They survived there first battle as a Democracy city. They returned to there city to celebrate there victory. The was with Persia had just begun.Themistocles(navy) had risen to power through democracy. One of history greatest leaders. The savior of his city. Trirena, purpose was to ram the enemy ship. 483 B.C they discovered silver. They wanted to divide the money along themselves. Themistocles said he was the money to build the ships. He built 200 Trirenas. King Daries died 486 B.C.Xerxes his son took over. Xerxes army numbered to 2 million men and was the greatest force the world had seen. 480 B.C the news sprung to Athens. The Persian empire was on the way to take over Athens.

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