Friday, March 5, 2010

Back a second time

Xerxes said he would not rest until he burnt Athens down. Xerxes army was nearly 2 million. Xerxes troops drink the rivers dry. The people of the city turned to help from their Gods. The Greeks would come to the secret rivers to ask questions. It seemed that even the Gods had left them. Zeus granted them that the wooden wall will not fail. Themistocles wanted to fight the Persians at sea. He ordered the evacuation of Athens for the first. He ordered that his navy should meet at a tiny Island named Salamis. He wanted every man, women, and child to leave their place. Xerxes army burned the temples to the ground by the foreign invaders. Themistocles met the other Greece leaders at the Island. He plan was to fight the Persian army in the sea between Salamis and the Athenian main land. This was his plan because he was outnumbered by a lot. Themistocles sent somebody that would seem as a trader to tell the Persians there plans. This was his plan because it was a trap. Themistocles tells them to advance as they grow their way into the Persians ships. The Persians had lost 200 ships at the end of the battle. Themistocles had convinced the Athens to build a army. He a defeated the greatest army in the world. They could now start their own empire. The Athens was the head of the navy confederacy. The Delian league is groups with leaders from different places join together. After the battle, she becomes the leader of the Eastern part in last then a generation. Once a year the citizens put a name on a rock and would become ostracized. This meaning that the person named that came up the most would be voted off or out of the Island. This method was used to protect their government. They ostracized Themistocles, the man that led them to the greatest victory in there history. He never recovered from what happened so him wonder from state to state. He landed in Persian where he died. Pericles was the new leader of Athens. He was born into an elite family. He turned to the Acropolis. The Athens left the fallen place untouched as the memorial of those who died in the Persia war. He thought different. He wanted to make a temple. This took a lot of a marble. The temple was complete in only 15 years. The temple is the mark of the power of Athens. Some treasures were lost but some kept longer than 2500 years. The Statue in the temple was of Athena. It was 40 ft tall, made of gold and ivory, etc.  Aspasia was Pericles partner. Pericles was married but left her for Aspasia. Pericles treated her equal which was different because women usual couldn't do anything. Tragedies was told in the place that was known as there theater. Theaters were built in every main city. He wanted to make Athens the leader of the Med. 431 B.C; he wanted to bring war to Sparta. Pericles convinced the Athens to abandon their land. Socrates didn't believe that they would win. Socrates didn't care much about appearance but only about mind. They took the Gods out of the skies and turned them into things. Over a hundred 150,000 people packed behind the Athens wall. Socrates spent his days in debate. Sparta bought plague, a disease that would kill Athens.

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