Friday, March 26, 2010

The last term

Tiberius makes his speech. As he is making his speech, he wins over the crowd and the people of the city is on his.Every tribune agrees to let the people vote; expect Octavius. He veto the Tiberius plan to give some of the land back to the people who lose there land. He vetoed it because he doesn't want to give up the land he took back to the people. Tiberius is vetoing all the laws that Octavius and his friends  want to be open. His mother is asking him what he is doing to Octavius. Tiberius won the vote to veto Octavius from the tribune. As the law to give some of the land back. Octavius and his friends are going around telling the people how Tiberius wants to become king, and taking the land for himself. Roma was on the break of civil war. On one side was the followers of Tiberius and on the other side was the people that wanted to kill him because he had too much power. Tiberius is running for a second term as a tribune but he knows that he is not allowed. Everybody seems to turn against him. His own body guard leaves his side because he believe that he wants to be king. Tiberius is getting jumped by the people and they look to murder him. They killed him and dumped him in the Tiber river. Tiberius had changed Rome forever.

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