Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Head too big, eyes was to wide. He didn't care about his appearance. The birth of science. The Thales was the created of science. He measured the pyramid by measuring his shadowing at a certain time. Then he measured the pyramid at the certain time. Socrates used reason and other things to study people. Over 150 thousands people packed behind the wall. He also used reason to measure the world. Sparta burned all the crops and farms around in Athens. 1 year into the war, the ship that was bringing them food had brought them plague. The disease spread quickly because all the people were tightly packed behind the wall. The plague would kill over a third of Athens people. Then it struck Pericles. After 6 months he died in 429 B.C. The Athenian generals of the ships came back thinking they would be welcomed as hero. But instead they were thrown in jail and sentence to death. Socrates thought that it was wrong and he tried to fight for there case. But he couldn't change there mind. The generals were ordered to drink poison. Neither was able to beat each other in the world. 416 B.C, he small Greek ally had asked Athens for help. They were going to invade Sicily. 6 months later word came back that they needed help and called for more soldiers. A sailor arrived in Autumn needing a hair cut. He told them how the Athens soldiers had failed to win the battle. Over 50,000 men were killed or taken prisoner. The people of Athens were starting ti starve to death, So they turned to Athena. Athens finally surrender to Lysander.The Athenian looked for somebody to blame for there defeat. Somebody who questioned that they were going to win.They searched for Socrates that weakened the moral character of there city. He demanded free dinners for life for all the work he did over the years. The court found Socrates guilty. He was sentenced to drink poison.

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