Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Civil War against Pompey

Marc Anthony had his loyalty questioned by Julius. Julius tried to force Pompey to fight at Pharsalus while his supplies is running out. 48 B.C. Marc wondered why he doesn't attack because he has twice as there army. 45,000 people in Pompey and Caesar had only 22,000. Pompey had 6,000 cavalry to Caesar 1,000 cavalry. Caesar says everything he had done it was for the people of Rome. Pompey is moving his cavalry to Caesar right flank. Caesar won the battle against Pompey. He goes into Rome and is named into Dictator for life. It was the end of the republic. Marc Anthony was his right man. He was named master of the horse. There was a civil war in Egypt and goes to help. He put his army with Cleopatra civil war. Her army won with the help of Caesar and they have another affair. Caesar is still married while this is taking place. The 7th month out of the year, July, is named after Julius Caesar. And August was named after his grandson. March 15, the senators pull knives out and stabbed Caesar to death in the senator estate. 23 stab wounds Caesar received. They put a statue of Caesar outside of the senate of him with 23 stab wounds.

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