Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Julius Caesar

Gaul what is now France where they battle took place. Galls and the Rome were in the battle. Caesar 40,000 troops were surrender by a quarter of a million Galls. Julius didn't go out on the battle field until his hair was ready and in the right way that he wanted it. Alecia. The Rome army was being pushed back. As all seem lost, Ceaser shows up and ask people will they fight for him . During battle, he tell them to signal the Calvary. To trap those who trapped him. His victory was marked as a brilliant tragedy. It was just the beginning of the revolution he was bout to unleash. Mark Antony fights along side Julius for about 10 years. After the war Julissa says that his service for Rome is just beginning. He was also a powerful politician be sides a solider. He is similar to Tiberius. Rome knew about the victory in days. The senators worried that Caesar was fighting to make him rich.  Marcus Cato was part of the senators. That wanted him to not come back with his army and have some type of power conquer.  In the city, the people was chanting his name and writing his name on the wall. Gnaeus Pompey was a politician and a retired General. He had not fought fir nine years. The senators want Pompey to stop Caesar. Caesar demanded that he stay in power without a election. Pompey and Caesar had been closely allies. Caesar and one of his generals received a letter that tells them to come back but leave their army at the border. Rubicon was the river of the northern border of Rome. Caesar forms  triumvirate. A group of three people that are going to use their abilities to try to get power on his side. Caesar ,Pompey and Crassus. They are all on Caesar side. Caesar was named consul. Consul was just for one terml but Caesar named himself the consul for life. After Crassus death, Caesar gained more power. Pompey sees that he has too much power and they fought each other. Caesar wanted the money to defeat Pompey. Pompey had fled east to where he had allies. Caesar gets trapped from both sides. He wants to go to Spain and wiped them out so he doesn't get trapped. Caesar had promised his men riches and he hadn't delivered. Caesar was married three or four times. He cheated on his wives with Cleopatra. Caesar own men are now fighting against him. In ordered to stop the rebellion, ten percent of them gets killed.

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