Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chapter 9

Hundreds of work men worked on the temple. The temple would be decorated like nothing before. Pericles was directly involved in the process. The temple was built in only 15 years. Treasures had survived for over 2000 years. Over 500 foot long carved marble. When they didn't like the play they would boo. When they went along with the play they would cry and cheer. Theaters were built in every major city. Not just Athens. 431 BC, Pericles presents the people of Athens that he wanted to go to war with Sparta. Victory over Sparta would make Athens the ultimate leader of their time. Athens specialty lays in there navy. But, Sparta can easily take them on land. He used the navy to supply food to the people; the same navy that he would use to go to war. The Athens was told to go behind the Athens city wall. Socrates was the person that knew that Athens was not going to win the war with Sparta. They told the Gods out of heaven and replaced them with reasons. They said that they weren’t persons but things.

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