Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Little Review

Parthenon, 15 yrs to build. Frieze on the inside and what was craved in marble was the everyday life people. But it put a lot of people to work. They put it on the acropolis so everybody can see it. 447 BC, over 2000 yrs old. Cost a billion dollars in modern day money. Greeks built it and the statue was 40 ft tall.

Aspasia- wrote Pericles speeches. She was treated equal. Pericles left his wife for her. She was smart and influenced Pericles. She wasn't from Athens. Son with Pericles.

Pericles- He was the general of Athens during the Golden ages. General for 32yrs. 461 - 429 BC. Had a plan to rule everything around. The delian league . He created the Parthenon. Promoted arts and literature. Wanted Athens to be the best in everything.

Salamis- 480 BC, Athens fought Persia. They wanted to avoid the land and attacked the Persians in the water.

Delian League- A alliance of a group of lands

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