Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Birth of Tiberius

Rome always powerful. Not one came have too much power. There republic last 500 years. Tiberius Gracchus was the son of the king. He will die for defending his father ideas.  He mother told him that he can be greater than his father one day. 146BC, Carthage. Is when Rome prepare there final attempt on Carthage. Rome and Carthage had been in conflict for over 100 years. Inside the wall the Romans become locked in fights of every street. They ordered the city to be burned. After 6 days if brutal fighting, the Carthage surrender. Tiberius received the gold crown for reaching the wall first. In a few months, Roman burned the city and nothing remained in its place. The rich was growing fat and the streets were over flown in the city of Rome. Latifundia is a rich person estate. .Tiberius was a believer in the republic. He wanted to make hos mother proud so he set of with reinforcements to Spain. Tiberius learned that his friend was one of many taking land of innocent people. Thousands of farmers had lost their land. When he reached Spain, he had fought the same people that his father had faced 40 years ago. They had loss countless battles with the people. They only hope is to talk it out. They would only talk to Tiberius though. He had made peace with the enemy. He said that they can rule themselves, and have quality with Rome.

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