Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Civil War against Pompey

Marc Anthony had his loyalty questioned by Julius. Julius tried to force Pompey to fight at Pharsalus while his supplies is running out. 48 B.C. Marc wondered why he doesn't attack because he has twice as there army. 45,000 people in Pompey and Caesar had only 22,000. Pompey had 6,000 cavalry to Caesar 1,000 cavalry. Caesar says everything he had done it was for the people of Rome. Pompey is moving his cavalry to Caesar right flank. Caesar won the battle against Pompey. He goes into Rome and is named into Dictator for life. It was the end of the republic. Marc Anthony was his right man. He was named master of the horse. There was a civil war in Egypt and goes to help. He put his army with Cleopatra civil war. Her army won with the help of Caesar and they have another affair. Caesar is still married while this is taking place. The 7th month out of the year, July, is named after Julius Caesar. And August was named after his grandson. March 15, the senators pull knives out and stabbed Caesar to death in the senator estate. 23 stab wounds Caesar received. They put a statue of Caesar outside of the senate of him with 23 stab wounds.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Julius Caesar

Gaul what is now France where they battle took place. Galls and the Rome were in the battle. Caesar 40,000 troops were surrender by a quarter of a million Galls. Julius didn't go out on the battle field until his hair was ready and in the right way that he wanted it. Alecia. The Rome army was being pushed back. As all seem lost, Ceaser shows up and ask people will they fight for him . During battle, he tell them to signal the Calvary. To trap those who trapped him. His victory was marked as a brilliant tragedy. It was just the beginning of the revolution he was bout to unleash. Mark Antony fights along side Julius for about 10 years. After the war Julissa says that his service for Rome is just beginning. He was also a powerful politician be sides a solider. He is similar to Tiberius. Rome knew about the victory in days. The senators worried that Caesar was fighting to make him rich.  Marcus Cato was part of the senators. That wanted him to not come back with his army and have some type of power conquer.  In the city, the people was chanting his name and writing his name on the wall. Gnaeus Pompey was a politician and a retired General. He had not fought fir nine years. The senators want Pompey to stop Caesar. Caesar demanded that he stay in power without a election. Pompey and Caesar had been closely allies. Caesar and one of his generals received a letter that tells them to come back but leave their army at the border. Rubicon was the river of the northern border of Rome. Caesar forms  triumvirate. A group of three people that are going to use their abilities to try to get power on his side. Caesar ,Pompey and Crassus. They are all on Caesar side. Caesar was named consul. Consul was just for one terml but Caesar named himself the consul for life. After Crassus death, Caesar gained more power. Pompey sees that he has too much power and they fought each other. Caesar wanted the money to defeat Pompey. Pompey had fled east to where he had allies. Caesar gets trapped from both sides. He wants to go to Spain and wiped them out so he doesn't get trapped. Caesar had promised his men riches and he hadn't delivered. Caesar was married three or four times. He cheated on his wives with Cleopatra. Caesar own men are now fighting against him. In ordered to stop the rebellion, ten percent of them gets killed.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Tiberius Gracchus

Tiberius Gracchus was a good leader in my opinion. I chose to defend his actions. I believe that he had the most effective plan. His plan was to take the land that was stolen from the people taken by the rich and powerful during wars. The rich had set up Latifundia with the land taken from the poor; which is a rich person estate. The farmers lost their land and moved to the city of Rome. The city became over populated really quickly. The rich were tired of walking by the poor people. The patricians were the rich and the plebeians were the poor. The lowest class of the society was the women and slaves. They were not allowed to vote nor have any rights. The patricians had all the power and lived better in the society of Rome. Rome ways was the republic. The republic government was where the people of the city would elect or chose their leaders. They also had the right to impeach the leader if they thought that had too much power. Tiberius was told by a friend of the senators, to run for Tribune. The Tribune was ten elected leaders that defended the people of Rome. The people that were defended were mostly the people who had their land taken away from them. He was selected to be one of the Tribunes. If I was Tiberius, I would have gotten good with both sides. Gotten good with both sides meaning that asked we both sides wanted and came up with an agreement. Instead, he chose to defend the people rights and got their votes. By doing that he had made enemies in the senators. Tiberius made his law clear during the meeting with the other Tribunes. Every Tribune agreed to the law besides Octavos. Octavos did not want to give up his land that he took. So he vetoed it. Tiberius anger at the matter vetoed every other law that came to mind with the other vetoes or the other laws that Octavos wanted passed. With this act Tiberius enemies grow angrier. His enemies went out telling lies about Tiberius. They lies was that he was getting a lot of power and using the plebeians to try and make him king of Rome. Everybody started to believe that lies that Octavos and his friends spread around. All the plebeians and the patricians that were on his back quickly turned their back. Even his bodyguards turned their backs on Tiberius too.These are the reasons why I would defend Tiberius actions and decisions that he had made during his time.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The last term

Tiberius makes his speech. As he is making his speech, he wins over the crowd and the people of the city is on his.Every tribune agrees to let the people vote; expect Octavius. He veto the Tiberius plan to give some of the land back to the people who lose there land. He vetoed it because he doesn't want to give up the land he took back to the people. Tiberius is vetoing all the laws that Octavius and his friends  want to be open. His mother is asking him what he is doing to Octavius. Tiberius won the vote to veto Octavius from the tribune. As the law to give some of the land back. Octavius and his friends are going around telling the people how Tiberius wants to become king, and taking the land for himself. Roma was on the break of civil war. On one side was the followers of Tiberius and on the other side was the people that wanted to kill him because he had too much power. Tiberius is running for a second term as a tribune but he knows that he is not allowed. Everybody seems to turn against him. His own body guard leaves his side because he believe that he wants to be king. Tiberius is getting jumped by the people and they look to murder him. They killed him and dumped him in the Tiber river. Tiberius had changed Rome forever.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Part 2

His mother told him to restore there family name for what happened in Spain. Mataher tries to kill him Tiberius to tell him how it easy to get to him. He offers his service as a body guard. His one friend in the senators comes to visit him. He told him to run fir the tribune. That the people would be on his side. The tribune selects 10 people. The tribune are the leader of the people who land was taken away from them. Octavius said that he wont give up the land that his father was buried on. They crowd are saying you suck. Any tribune had the right to veto any other tribune. Octavius vetoed the law that Tiberius made. He doesn't like that idea.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Birth of Tiberius

Rome always powerful. Not one came have too much power. There republic last 500 years. Tiberius Gracchus was the son of the king. He will die for defending his father ideas.  He mother told him that he can be greater than his father one day. 146BC, Carthage. Is when Rome prepare there final attempt on Carthage. Rome and Carthage had been in conflict for over 100 years. Inside the wall the Romans become locked in fights of every street. They ordered the city to be burned. After 6 days if brutal fighting, the Carthage surrender. Tiberius received the gold crown for reaching the wall first. In a few months, Roman burned the city and nothing remained in its place. The rich was growing fat and the streets were over flown in the city of Rome. Latifundia is a rich person estate. .Tiberius was a believer in the republic. He wanted to make hos mother proud so he set of with reinforcements to Spain. Tiberius learned that his friend was one of many taking land of innocent people. Thousands of farmers had lost their land. When he reached Spain, he had fought the same people that his father had faced 40 years ago. They had loss countless battles with the people. They only hope is to talk it out. They would only talk to Tiberius though. He had made peace with the enemy. He said that they can rule themselves, and have quality with Rome.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010






Tarquin the Proud

Tiber River


Romulus and Remus

DJ Schick

It was between Etruscans and the Greeks.Latins came first. They drained the River Tiber for there new empire. The tyrant named Tarquins got too powerful and the Rome empire threw him out. He was the last king. They had 3 new government, Democracy, Aristocracy, and monarchy. They had 5000 soldiers that wasn't paid to fight. They fought against Carthage on horseback, cavalry, shields, sword, dagger, and armor and tunic.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Today we took a test and I thought it was pretty easy. Th only thing I did to do is make my essays more longer so I can have a better chance to get a better grade.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Little Review

Parthenon, 15 yrs to build. Frieze on the inside and what was craved in marble was the everyday life people. But it put a lot of people to work. They put it on the acropolis so everybody can see it. 447 BC, over 2000 yrs old. Cost a billion dollars in modern day money. Greeks built it and the statue was 40 ft tall.

Aspasia- wrote Pericles speeches. She was treated equal. Pericles left his wife for her. She was smart and influenced Pericles. She wasn't from Athens. Son with Pericles.

Pericles- He was the general of Athens during the Golden ages. General for 32yrs. 461 - 429 BC. Had a plan to rule everything around. The delian league . He created the Parthenon. Promoted arts and literature. Wanted Athens to be the best in everything.

Salamis- 480 BC, Athens fought Persia. They wanted to avoid the land and attacked the Persians in the water.

Delian League- A alliance of a group of lands

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Head too big, eyes was to wide. He didn't care about his appearance. The birth of science. The Thales was the created of science. He measured the pyramid by measuring his shadowing at a certain time. Then he measured the pyramid at the certain time. Socrates used reason and other things to study people. Over 150 thousands people packed behind the wall. He also used reason to measure the world. Sparta burned all the crops and farms around in Athens. 1 year into the war, the ship that was bringing them food had brought them plague. The disease spread quickly because all the people were tightly packed behind the wall. The plague would kill over a third of Athens people. Then it struck Pericles. After 6 months he died in 429 B.C. The Athenian generals of the ships came back thinking they would be welcomed as hero. But instead they were thrown in jail and sentence to death. Socrates thought that it was wrong and he tried to fight for there case. But he couldn't change there mind. The generals were ordered to drink poison. Neither was able to beat each other in the world. 416 B.C, he small Greek ally had asked Athens for help. They were going to invade Sicily. 6 months later word came back that they needed help and called for more soldiers. A sailor arrived in Autumn needing a hair cut. He told them how the Athens soldiers had failed to win the battle. Over 50,000 men were killed or taken prisoner. The people of Athens were starting ti starve to death, So they turned to Athena. Athens finally surrender to Lysander.The Athenian looked for somebody to blame for there defeat. Somebody who questioned that they were going to win.They searched for Socrates that weakened the moral character of there city. He demanded free dinners for life for all the work he did over the years. The court found Socrates guilty. He was sentenced to drink poison.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chapter 9

Hundreds of work men worked on the temple. The temple would be decorated like nothing before. Pericles was directly involved in the process. The temple was built in only 15 years. Treasures had survived for over 2000 years. Over 500 foot long carved marble. When they didn't like the play they would boo. When they went along with the play they would cry and cheer. Theaters were built in every major city. Not just Athens. 431 BC, Pericles presents the people of Athens that he wanted to go to war with Sparta. Victory over Sparta would make Athens the ultimate leader of their time. Athens specialty lays in there navy. But, Sparta can easily take them on land. He used the navy to supply food to the people; the same navy that he would use to go to war. The Athens was told to go behind the Athens city wall. Socrates was the person that knew that Athens was not going to win the war with Sparta. They told the Gods out of heaven and replaced them with reasons. They said that they weren’t persons but things.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Alexander the Great

Alex is just a kid.He father is King of Mycenaean. Philip is Alex actually father. He lost a eye in battle.  His mother taught him that he was the son of Zeus. Alex is on a horse that nobody else could ride. The story is that the horse was scared of his shadow. His father wasn't going to buy the horse but Alex wanted the horse. His father told him that if he can ride it then the horse is his to keep. Bercepbulust was the name that Alexander named the horse. Gaugamela. He wanted to pin them and hit them in their eyes if their army. Alexander fought with his people. He did just stay behind and watch, he was fighting with them. They are looking for a sign from heaven. To look for a sign they would cut open a bull and read its intense. They are outnumbered 4:1.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

War between Athens and Sparta(431 BC)

Back a second time

Xerxes said he would not rest until he burnt Athens down. Xerxes army was nearly 2 million. Xerxes troops drink the rivers dry. The people of the city turned to help from their Gods. The Greeks would come to the secret rivers to ask questions. It seemed that even the Gods had left them. Zeus granted them that the wooden wall will not fail. Themistocles wanted to fight the Persians at sea. He ordered the evacuation of Athens for the first. He ordered that his navy should meet at a tiny Island named Salamis. He wanted every man, women, and child to leave their place. Xerxes army burned the temples to the ground by the foreign invaders. Themistocles met the other Greece leaders at the Island. He plan was to fight the Persian army in the sea between Salamis and the Athenian main land. This was his plan because he was outnumbered by a lot. Themistocles sent somebody that would seem as a trader to tell the Persians there plans. This was his plan because it was a trap. Themistocles tells them to advance as they grow their way into the Persians ships. The Persians had lost 200 ships at the end of the battle. Themistocles had convinced the Athens to build a army. He a defeated the greatest army in the world. They could now start their own empire. The Athens was the head of the navy confederacy. The Delian league is groups with leaders from different places join together. After the battle, she becomes the leader of the Eastern part in last then a generation. Once a year the citizens put a name on a rock and would become ostracized. This meaning that the person named that came up the most would be voted off or out of the Island. This method was used to protect their government. They ostracized Themistocles, the man that led them to the greatest victory in there history. He never recovered from what happened so him wonder from state to state. He landed in Persian where he died. Pericles was the new leader of Athens. He was born into an elite family. He turned to the Acropolis. The Athens left the fallen place untouched as the memorial of those who died in the Persia war. He thought different. He wanted to make a temple. This took a lot of a marble. The temple was complete in only 15 years. The temple is the mark of the power of Athens. Some treasures were lost but some kept longer than 2500 years. The Statue in the temple was of Athena. It was 40 ft tall, made of gold and ivory, etc.  Aspasia was Pericles partner. Pericles was married but left her for Aspasia. Pericles treated her equal which was different because women usual couldn't do anything. Tragedies was told in the place that was known as there theater. Theaters were built in every main city. He wanted to make Athens the leader of the Med. 431 B.C; he wanted to bring war to Sparta. Pericles convinced the Athens to abandon their land. Socrates didn't believe that they would win. Socrates didn't care much about appearance but only about mind. They took the Gods out of the skies and turned them into things. Over a hundred 150,000 people packed behind the Athens wall. Socrates spent his days in debate. Sparta bought plague, a disease that would kill Athens.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Crucible of Civilization

Athens rocked by an event.The people took their destiny into there own hands, rose up in evolution. Acropolis the high point of the city. Morning of the third day he was forced to surrender. First time in history the people has took over there leaders, 508. B.C. Athens people now turned to one man, Cleisthenes. He was a leader that got ran out of town when Sparta took over. When the people rose over there leaders, they called him back to start a new government. White pebble for yes and a black people for no, for voting. They would gather every nine days. Nobody has every had the people vote on the rules of their city. Democracy started here in Athens. It would not be Cleisthenes job to lead them into battle. They would have to defend there state from invaders trying to take over. 490 B.C. 18 years after the Democracy had been born. Phiedippidds had ran a marathon for his people survival . Persia empire is attempting to go to battle. Persia was the greatest power. Athens were gaining power which was a threat to there empire. Daries the leader of the Persians. News of the invasion spread throughout Athens. The Men of the city would have to battle since they didn't have a set army. Athens were out numbered by Persia from 2:1. Phiedipidd  job was to run for help to Sparta. He ran 140 miles in just 2days. But he quest was denied. Help was refused by Sparta. Athens killed 6000 Persian in one day. They survived there first battle as a Democracy city. They returned to there city to celebrate there victory. The was with Persia had just begun.Themistocles(navy) had risen to power through democracy. One of history greatest leaders. The savior of his city. Trirena, purpose was to ram the enemy ship. 483 B.C they discovered silver. They wanted to divide the money along themselves. Themistocles said he was the money to build the ships. He built 200 Trirenas. King Daries died 486 B.C.Xerxes his son took over. Xerxes army numbered to 2 million men and was the greatest force the world had seen. 480 B.C the news sprung to Athens. The Persian empire was on the way to take over Athens.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Group presentation

Here are notes that I took in class:
Three forms of Greek theatre.Tragedy, comedy, satyr plays. Building called theatrons. Comedies were written for the humor of the ancient Greek time.Humor changes over time. Tragedy is where the main character see adversity.First there wasn’t actors in the plays it was just hosts people that would tell the stories. Other people after there actorswas called followers. First actor Aechylos, Thespis, and Sophocles. Hypocritas was the main roles.Women were not allowed to be in the plays. Mask would express the emotions. Each mask allowed the actors to play many roles. The mouth and the eye hole were small because they wanted the crowd to see the emotion of the mask.Thepis was the earliest recorded playwright known to use mask.Worn in Ancient Greece golden ages around 500-300 B.C.Costumes were important in the theater. Defined the emotion with the mask, the gender, your social status. The role of a women would be played by a young man that still have a high pitch voice.