Thursday, May 20, 2010

Luther goes to Rome

This is the first time that Luther goes outside of Germany. Many people go to Rome thinking that the journey helps them to become closer to God. 1510 was the year that Luther arrived in Rome. He arrived just as the Renaissance was at its height. He had lived in 3 towns in his whole life. When he first approached Rome, he was overwhelmed that was in the holy city. The city was more about money than it was about religion. The people who attended the church was pretty much the business people. Luther discovered that the church was happy to profit off the Pilgrims. Indulgent is something that you buy from the church like prayers. It's a way to reduce your time in progatroy. Protagary is where your sins are going to be burned away. Luther wondered if all this could bring him closer to Jesus. He didn't think that he pleased God in any way, so he hated this God. Luther was now like a teacher. He found out that what he was being be taught was a lie and wrong. He found out that what you needed to get in Heaven you need to get salvation be him and God. 7 years had pasted since he visited Rome.

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