Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Heads up

Leo the 10 is the Pope. Little naked boys popped out the cake. The indulgent was a peace of paper. He sold the indulgences in Germany. Salvation was a gift from God, you get it through faith; not buying it from the Pope. 1517, Luther sat down and wrote down 95 things that was wrong with the Church/Pope. Then he nailed them to the Church in Wittenburg. Luther was telling the people that you can't pay your way to Heaven. Luther was about to become the first big author. Gutenberg invited the printed press in Germany. The printing of his paper went out around Germany like a wildfire. The Catholic had a name from people like Luther. The name was heretic. The meaning is a person that teaches the opposite of the Church. 1546. He never intended the lust to make things worst. Luther books was burned, and the next was Luther himself. The Pope demanded the Luther dismiss the list. The more the Church tried to silence Luther, the more courage he got. The Pope made a document that said the Luther would spend eternity in Hell. Luther found a new weapon he had in his side. He started to use the printing press because he wanted to spread the list.

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