Friday, May 28, 2010


In this picture you can see the angles surrounding a lady and a baby sitting in the chair. This painting is of Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angles. It was painted in mid-16th century.
In the second picture, it is a sculpture of Hercules beating Centaur Nesso. It is made out of marble. 
In the third picture, it is of S.Maria del Fiore. It was the Original Plan for S.Maria del Fiore. 
In the last picture, it is a women writing with the Renaissance material.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Questions for the test

1. Define indulgent? Something you buy from a Church that gives you less years in Purgatory. 2. A person that says the opposite of what the Church teaches is called what? It is called Heretic. 3. What year did Luther reach Rome? 1510. 4. What was the list about that he nailed on the door? How many was on the paper? The list was about 95 things that Luther thought was wrong with the Church. 5. What did Luther use to spread the list? He used the printing press. What year did Martin Luther create the list? The year was 1517.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Heads up

Leo the 10 is the Pope. Little naked boys popped out the cake. The indulgent was a peace of paper. He sold the indulgences in Germany. Salvation was a gift from God, you get it through faith; not buying it from the Pope. 1517, Luther sat down and wrote down 95 things that was wrong with the Church/Pope. Then he nailed them to the Church in Wittenburg. Luther was telling the people that you can't pay your way to Heaven. Luther was about to become the first big author. Gutenberg invited the printed press in Germany. The printing of his paper went out around Germany like a wildfire. The Catholic had a name from people like Luther. The name was heretic. The meaning is a person that teaches the opposite of the Church. 1546. He never intended the lust to make things worst. Luther books was burned, and the next was Luther himself. The Pope demanded the Luther dismiss the list. The more the Church tried to silence Luther, the more courage he got. The Pope made a document that said the Luther would spend eternity in Hell. Luther found a new weapon he had in his side. He started to use the printing press because he wanted to spread the list.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Luther goes to Rome

This is the first time that Luther goes outside of Germany. Many people go to Rome thinking that the journey helps them to become closer to God. 1510 was the year that Luther arrived in Rome. He arrived just as the Renaissance was at its height. He had lived in 3 towns in his whole life. When he first approached Rome, he was overwhelmed that was in the holy city. The city was more about money than it was about religion. The people who attended the church was pretty much the business people. Luther discovered that the church was happy to profit off the Pilgrims. Indulgent is something that you buy from the church like prayers. It's a way to reduce your time in progatroy. Protagary is where your sins are going to be burned away. Luther wondered if all this could bring him closer to Jesus. He didn't think that he pleased God in any way, so he hated this God. Luther was now like a teacher. He found out that what he was being be taught was a lie and wrong. He found out that what you needed to get in Heaven you need to get salvation be him and God. 7 years had pasted since he visited Rome.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Nail to the doors of the school

Lower the price on lunch Less hours of the school day. Less quizzes and tests. More hands on work in the classroom. Better computers.

Martin Luther

Quarter of all children died before they were 5 years old. The church was the most powerful institutes on earth. Powerful then kings, but would be over turn by one man; Martin Luther. German 1546. Grew up in Northern Germany. If you followed its rules and follow the church rituals, you were going to go to Heaven. The church declared itself in the people live. Not just the people who was in it, but also the community. Luther father was a copper smith. Luther was sent to the best schools around where he lived. Erufer was the university that he went to. Luther wanted to be. 1505, plaque strict the college. The people thought that God was punishing them for their sins. Three of Luther friends was killed by plaque. This was a turning point of his life. When he was 23 he was caught in a storm. Luther vowed himself to God by want happen when he was in the storm. He vowed to God that we was going to be a monk. He stopped doing what his father wanted him to do. His father had went insane when he found out that Luther wasn't going to be a lawyer which he wanted him to be. Monks food was simply, clothes made you uncomfortable, they had to prayers in different part of the days. They could on talk in certain places. Two weeks after the the forest, he joined a hard group of the monks, the Augustians. Ascetic. It's a person who gives up everything and anything to be in a good relationship with God. The Church demanded fees by the people. The people believed that if you didn't pay the fees that you wouldn't go to Heaven, etc. After he graduated from the White cloth, he moved on to the Black. They did things that Jesus went through. Whipped themselves, slept out in the snow, slept without blankets, etc. He was concern that he would never be able to please God.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Middle evil period happened in 476 AD -1453. The invasions had made the fallen of the kingdom. The trades stopped. The rich had built. The priest was trying to keep alive the bible, the other things that was written in Latin. Everybody wasn’t speaking the same language. French, English, Italy, Spanish. Who ever had the castles had the loyalty of the people because they had shelter and protection. Clovis had the big conversion. Alliance with the church. They had money that they raised armies. Gaul became France. Benedict made the rules for the monks. Monks lived in the monosatis. Nuns lived in convents. Rules was they you couldn’t get rich, chastity, obedience. Typically day for a monk, they would write. They would have schools for people who wanted to read and write. Ventble bee. Wrote the history of England. 731.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


That succeeded the Roman Empire, reunited under Charlemagne empire. Charlemagne spread Christian through northern Europe. Middle ages (medieval), 476- 1453 AD. End of Roman Empire, to conquest of Constantinople by Turks. Invasions trigger changes in the western Europe. Warfare spark new trends. Disruption of trade. Money scarce, cities no longer centers. Downfall city, no longer center of administration. Population shifts. No strong leadership. Decline in learning. Invaders are illiterate. Priest and church officials were the only ones that could read and write. Knowledge of Greek was lost. Loss of common language. Dialects in diff regions. Kingdoms emerge. Government changed. Roman society; loyal to public government. German; loyal to family. chief led warriors, during peace, he provided food, weapons, etc. During war, warriors fought for lord. Franks lived in Gaul. Franks under Clovis. Battlefield conversion. Clovis and men baptized by bishops. Approved by the church of Rome. Clovis and church worked together. 511 AD- unties Franks into kingdom. 600 AD. Church Frankish rules convert many. Monasteries and convents. 520 Benedict wrote rules for monks. His sister Scholastia did the same with the nuns. Pope Gregory expanded papal power. papacy is pope office. secular power is worldly power. Church used church money to raises armies, repair roads, help the poor. Christendom. Franks controlled longest Europe kingdom.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Free adult male could vote. Greek did this. They voted on who they should go to war with, who was there leader. Romans voted for leaders and people to represent them. They met at the agora.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Middle Ages

Middle Ages were part of the European history.It was from 5th century to the 15th century. The stone architecture was used for their buildings and their art was based on Christianity. The breakdown of Rome starts the beginning of the Middle Ages. The Hundred Year's War signifies the end of the Middle Ages. The last emperor of the Western Roman Empire was Romulus Augustus. We went over the tests that we had taken in class today. We also took a test that wasn't graded on the Middle Ages.