Quarter of all children died before they were 5 years old. The church was the most powerful institutes on earth. Powerful then kings, but would be over turn by one man; Martin Luther. German 1546. Grew up in Northern Germany. If you followed its rules and follow the church rituals, you were going to go to Heaven. The church declared itself in the people live. Not just the people who was in it, but also the community. Luther father was a copper smith. Luther was sent to the best schools around where he lived. Erufer was the university that he went to. Luther wanted to be. 1505, plaque strict the college. The people thought that God was punishing them for their sins. Three of Luther friends was killed by plaque. This was a turning point of his life. When he was 23 he was caught in a storm. Luther vowed himself to God by want happen when he was in the storm. He vowed to God that we was going to be a monk. He stopped doing what his father wanted him to do. His father had went insane when he found out that Luther wasn't going to be a lawyer which he wanted him to be. Monks food was simply, clothes made you uncomfortable, they had to prayers in different part of the days. They could on talk in certain places. Two weeks after the the forest, he joined a hard group of the monks, the Augustians. Ascetic. It's a person who gives up everything and anything to be in a good relationship with God. The Church demanded fees by the people. The people believed that if you didn't pay the fees that you wouldn't go to Heaven, etc. After he graduated from the White cloth, he moved on to the Black. They did things that Jesus went through. Whipped themselves, slept out in the snow, slept without blankets, etc. He was concern that he would never be able to please God.