Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Mona Lisa has no eyebrows because it was the style back then. Nobody knows why she is smiling. She wasn't outside when she the painting took place.  Starts in Florence around 1450. Started their but then spread around. The rebirth starts after the Middle Ages. Renaissance means rebirth. 1300-1600 overlap with the middle ages. Started in Italy, important trade cities, cities wealthy, and heritage of classical Rome. Humanism, is an interest in secular(worldly) things rather than religious/spiritual art. It focused in human potential and achievements. Patrons, is wealthy clients who pay to support artists and their creations. Ex, the Medici family, a powerful and banking and trading family, supported artisans: paying for portraits, donating public art. The renaissance man was also called universal man,men and women. At the time were expected to be well rounded in many fields. Everyone should create art. Write poetry, sing,dance. Be a skilled writer, wrestler, swordsman. Leonardo de Vinci. True Renaissance Man. Painter of Mona Lisa and The last Supper. Sculptor. Inventor, Scientist. He sketched a helicopter in 1493. He wrote left handed and backwards. Michelangelo Bunarroti. Another true Renaissance Man. Painter, sculptor.

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