Friday, June 4, 2010

Time for the finals

Today in class we went over the notes that we took yesterday. Then Mr.Schick passed out our quizzes and we went over the questions. These questions are going to be on the final exam next weekend.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Sculptors made figures more realistic. Perspective in painting, a technique that creates the appearance of three dimensions using a vanishing pint and horizon. Vernacular (native language) ex, Dante in Medieval Times writing. The Divine Comedy. Boccaccio wrote the Decameron, a series of realistic, sometimes off-color  (dirty)stories, cutting down public figures. Niccolo Machiavelli wrote The Prince. He focused on telling rulers how to expand their power even if it meant taking steps the Church viewed as evil. Don't worry about morals. Cynical view: most people are corrupt and selfish.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Michelangelo would bring the blocks down the side of the mountains. Very dangerous. 1499, he had other problems. Like his father. Sometimes he would go months without taking his boots off. He was living like Jesus, which is what he told his father to do. He was 25 years old when he was finished. He signed his name i the side of his art to get credit because nobody knew him and didn't know he did it. He was asked by the Pope to paint the 16th chapel. Raphael , painter, School of Athens. Frescoes paintings done on wet plaster. Favorite subject was Madonna and child. Worked for Pope Julius II. Donatello is best known for his statue of David.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Mona Lisa has no eyebrows because it was the style back then. Nobody knows why she is smiling. She wasn't outside when she the painting took place.  Starts in Florence around 1450. Started their but then spread around. The rebirth starts after the Middle Ages. Renaissance means rebirth. 1300-1600 overlap with the middle ages. Started in Italy, important trade cities, cities wealthy, and heritage of classical Rome. Humanism, is an interest in secular(worldly) things rather than religious/spiritual art. It focused in human potential and achievements. Patrons, is wealthy clients who pay to support artists and their creations. Ex, the Medici family, a powerful and banking and trading family, supported artisans: paying for portraits, donating public art. The renaissance man was also called universal man,men and women. At the time were expected to be well rounded in many fields. Everyone should create art. Write poetry, sing,dance. Be a skilled writer, wrestler, swordsman. Leonardo de Vinci. True Renaissance Man. Painter of Mona Lisa and The last Supper. Sculptor. Inventor, Scientist. He sketched a helicopter in 1493. He wrote left handed and backwards. Michelangelo Bunarroti. Another true Renaissance Man. Painter, sculptor.