Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fall of Rome

500 years Rome ruled supreme. A weak emperor who tried to be strong. Early 5th century. the goths were planning on to attack the Roman empire. The goths are a group of people that don't believe in the Rome rules. and Gods. The considered them to be barbarians. 40,000 led by king of goths, Alaric. Rome was defenseless. The Roman empire was at a breaking point at the beginning of the century. Attacked by many and different kinds of people outside their boundaries. The goths had been forced to leave their lands and now their are going to the Roman empire to try and take their land for themselves. The king promise the his people that they would be getting good land from a different emperor. In order for the goth muscle, they will get the land. People from the emperor came to the his chief. Then they kill him while he was outside of the church. Honorius was the head of the government. Ever since he was a little kid. The emperor of Rome that wasn't working out of Rome because Rome was too dangerous. Alaric found out that the guy they made the deal with, got murdered. Rome part was to kill the people that would be on the sides of the barbarians. The families of the barbarians.

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