Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The soldiers killed the kids and families of the barbarians. The survivors of  the slaughter escaped. Alaric was told by one of his people to make Rome suffer as she has suffered. His plan is was to take Rome, or to make it hostage. He knows that it is weak from the Roman soldiers being with the emperor. But the emperor is not in Rome. He is in Ravenna.  The goth people swipe through Italy. He tells one of he generals to block the roads to the city and nothing gets in. The first time in 800 yrs Rome began to suffer siege. They only have food for 10 days. The city is starving and people are dying.The emperor will reject Alaric demands. The Romans turn to the senates for leadership. The senates of Rome visit Alaric. They tell them that they have thousands of soldiers ready to battle. Alaric knows that its a lie. Alaric wants all their belongings. The gold and sliver. They gotten all Rome riches without spilling a drop of gold. Alaric lets food in for 3days. Within those three days, he wants them to tell their emperor to give them the land that they was promised. If they get the land, they will leave Rome. If not, it may be the end of the Roman city. The generals talk it over with the emperor of the settlement.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fall of Rome

500 years Rome ruled supreme. A weak emperor who tried to be strong. Early 5th century. the goths were planning on to attack the Roman empire. The goths are a group of people that don't believe in the Rome rules. and Gods. The considered them to be barbarians. 40,000 led by king of goths, Alaric. Rome was defenseless. The Roman empire was at a breaking point at the beginning of the century. Attacked by many and different kinds of people outside their boundaries. The goths had been forced to leave their lands and now their are going to the Roman empire to try and take their land for themselves. The king promise the his people that they would be getting good land from a different emperor. In order for the goth muscle, they will get the land. People from the emperor came to the his chief. Then they kill him while he was outside of the church. Honorius was the head of the government. Ever since he was a little kid. The emperor of Rome that wasn't working out of Rome because Rome was too dangerous. Alaric found out that the guy they made the deal with, got murdered. Rome part was to kill the people that would be on the sides of the barbarians. The families of the barbarians.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Diocletianic Persecution

The last and most serve persecution of the Christians in the Roman Empire. In 303, Emperor Diocletian and his colleagues. They did this for their own entertainment. They would starve the lions for a little. Then, they would bring in the Christians and the Emperor and the crowd would watch the lions ripe the Christians apart. But Constantine and Licinius Edict of Milan marked the end of the persecution. Christians had always been the local discrimination in the empire. Christians was compelled to to sacrifice to pagan God or face imprisonment  and execution. The Circus Maximus was another part of the persecution of the Christians. It was an ancient Roman chariot racing and a mass entertainment for the city of Rome.

No more two sided empire

He built churches throughout the empire. Some people in Rome doesn't like what he is doing with the whole Christian thing. Some of the people says he is a threat and needs to come to a end. The senator of Rome is n his way to kill Constantine. Constantine said that he trusted him. So now he said that he trusts no one, but God. Then he says that they are at holy war. The first war in 318. Licinius attacked the people in the churches; they killed the believers of the Christian belief. licinius camp. 324 AD, the battle took place in modern day Turkey. Constantine raised his secret weapon, a banner with their symbol. Licinius army grew scared thinking that it had magical power. Lincinius and his army left the battle. His sister tells Constantine to spare Licinius for her reasons. Lincinius surrenders to Constantine and now Constantine is the emperor of the whole empire of Rome. Licinius is strangled and murdered. The first Christian emperor

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Esat and West

Constantine goes through the city with the Cristian symbol. The people pf the city are cheering and saying his name. He tells the people that he didn't come there to conquer them.. He said he came to return to the people their land, honor, and any other things that was taken away from them by Maxtius. After his speech, he goes to the guy that was the leader of the Cristian group. Constantine new goal was to restore the east of the empire. He married off his sister. He says that nothing came part them. He becomes an ally with lycinenus which was at war in the west empire of Rome. Edict is law or ruling. Edict of molin states that you have the right to practice Cristian. The whole empire had a chance of peace. Constantine had a second chance about his ally he had with his friend. He turns more to Cristian. The people are saying that God has chosen him.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Maxebtius defeat

The leader of the religion group shows Constantine a picture and tells him to paint it on every soldier shield. Maxentius is planning on how he would defeat Constantine. The solider didn't want to put the sign on their shield because they thought they God would strike them down. Maxentius 75,000 strong army meets at the milvian bridge. Maxentius calls for his man to retreat. He wanted Constantine to come over the bridge so he could drown his army. The whole thing back fired on them as the bridge got heavy with Maxentius soldiers. His rain had been put at the end. The bridge fell over. Constantine had control of the whole western empire.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Constatine wanted Rome to be one empire. Maxebtius, 312 A.D. Constatine is going into battle with her brother-in-law. Traveling with him was members of a new religion. His enemy held the emperor of Rome. They cut open the animal for the reading. It says that the enemy of Rome would be defeated. The God of the leader of the new religion group tells him to believe in God before he marches into Rome. The leader of the religious group says that it was a sign from God. A fire ball came from the sky into the hill right in front of their eyes. That is what some people says happens.