Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Ancient Egyptians believed that temples were homes of the gods and goddesses. Every one of the temples was built for the gods, goddesses, and the pharaohs that they worshiped. The front of the temple was made to look impressive. The Egyptians built them in stone so they would last forever. The walls of the temples were covered in scenes and then painted over with colors. Egyptians were only allowed in the court yards on special festival days. Any other day throughout the year they weren't allowed in there. Also they were never allowed further into the temples. The sanitary inside a temple is were statues of gods and goddesses stood. The last part inside of the temple is the sacred lake. The sacred lake is where the rituals is usually perform.Temples were a good part of history for Egyptians in ancient times. The temples were the House of Worships to many of the Gods and Goddesses the ancient Egyptians worshiped.All ways to be kept and in order according the laws of Mata. If not the God and Goddesses would leave and great unrest would result for Egypt. Temples were also important elements of Egyptian economic infrastructure, employing large workforces and earning income.Building texts are fairly abundant from the New Kingdom down to Roman times and describe the construction, circumstances and function of several temples. The various components are named, described and their purpose outlined— there are even detailed descriptions of the fittings. Great officials, in their Tomb Biographies, describe the roles they played, as chief of works or treasurer, in these projects. Senenmut, for example, gives a detailed description of the quarrying, transport and installation of Hatshepsut's obelisks at Karnak. This type of document tends to be stereotypical, however, and should be applied cautiously in individual cases.Probably the most famous structure in all of Egypt, the Pyramids are still on of the worlds best architectural achievement, even though they were built many centuries ago. These structures can be as tall as 482 feet (147 m) high. The Pyramid towers over many other famous landmarks, including the Statue of Liberty.The smooth sided pyramids were built from the Dynasty IV and on. They were built by first having men chisel the block of granite the way that they wanted it. The stonemasons used special rods to check that a stone block was cut accurately. Next, the blocks stayed in the quarry until the flood season. They did this so they could use barges to haul over the heavy granite blocks. Once the boast had arrived near the pyramid and unloaded the blocks, they were hauled up a ramp. Then, ropes and levers were used to maneuver the huge blocks into position. The overseer checked that every block was laid correctly. Once all of the granite blocks were placed in place, laborers rubbed the casing blocks with polishing stones until they would shine in the sun. The overseers used plump lines to check that the angle of the slope was correct.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ancient Egyptians Notes

Ancient Egyptians believed that temples were homes of the gods and goddesses. Every one of the temples was built for the gods, goddesses, and the pharaohs that they worshiped. The front of the temple was made to look impressive. The Egyptians built them in stone so they would last forever. The walls of the temples were covered in scenes and then painted over with colors. Egyptians were only allowed in the court yards on special festival days. Any other day throughout the year they weren't allowed in there. Also they were never allowed further into the temples. The sanitary inside a temple is were statues of gods and goddesses stood. It was important to take care of the gods and goddesses because they believed that they would protect them and bring them wealth and prosperity to their country. The last part inside of the temple is the sacred lake. The sacred lake is where the rituals is usually perform.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Minoans

Around 1700 B.C, a highly sophisticated culture grew up around palace centers in Crete: The Minoans. They built perhaps the single most efficient bureaucracy in antiquity. They unique culture only lasted about a few centuries. The Minoans was oriented around trade and bureaucracy with little or no evidence of a military. The people were war-like people oriented around a war -chief. The Minoans stay at the beginning of the European civilization. They civilization of the Minoans began on the island of Crete. Crete is a large island midway between Asia Minor, and Greece. The island they lived on had good fertile and a comfortable climate. The history of the scripts they wrote is lost to us. We cannot understand their hand writing or their language. The Minoans were a great mercantile people and they kept profoundly accurate records of their transactions. The group was independent until around 140 B.C. The Minoans Gods were woman and not man. Women did some sports that man did. One sport they participated in was the bull-jumping.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Notes in class

To day in class we talked about many things. A thing we talked about was Ancient Greece. How Ancient Greece was 1400 island long. It is mostly mountainous. Also that 20 percent of the land was arable. They would often search other areas to colonize.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What I would like WesyCiv to be like.

I would like westciv to be an hands on experience. I attend to learn better in classes with hands on experience. I would like this class to have class hand outs. Like worksheets but not too much worksheets. I like taking notes but not a lot because I don't really learn that way. I would like some group activities. The groups that we pick. I tend to work better with people I'm more comfortable with. Also sometimes movies or little videos. Not a whole movie most the time. I would watch it if it interest me(the whole thing). Watching little by little allows me to take in the information, and keep it for the time.